wellpaid.io has shutdown

This is never easy.

I built wellpaid.io in 2018 after getting fed up with a lack of transparency in tech contracts. I wanted to create a place for contract developers like myself to find work without relying on recruitment agencies, who would inevitably take a large chunk of my rate without disclosing their fee to either myself or the client.

Unfortunately wellpaid.io never quite managed to achieve a consistent revenue flow. After a few fits and starts, we were hit by IR35 reform, the pandemic and finally the tech layoffs, crippling the contract market and diminishing whatever remaining momentum we had.

We eventually made the difficult decision to cut our losses and move on. Whether or not wellpaid became a successful business, knowing that we've placed numerous contractors makes it all worthwhile.

Thank you to all of the team that helped to build wellpaid.io and make it such a fun project. A special shout out to Mike, who believed in wellpaid and contributed so much over the last 18 months to try and turn it around.

And finally, thank you to all of the wellpaid.io contractors. We couldn't have gotten this far without you, and I hope to see you all in the future as colleagues and friends.

It's time for me to focus all of my energy on Puck, an open-source visual editor for React that's seen significant traction over the last 8 months (4.6k stars on GitHub and counting), and Measured, my consultancy helping huge companies like Hilton and BT deploy UI at scale.

If you want to stay in touch, feel free to hit me up on LinkedIn or Bluesky.

See you around,
