Eoghan O.

Sole Trader
Developer, director, consultant; from concept to prototypes to production... R&D, experiments, prototypes... tech, physics, maths, art... real-time interactive graphics, web, apps, games, installations, WebGL, GLSL... AI, ML, computer-vision, graphics, data, Tensorflow, PyTorch... VR, AR, XR, WebXR... web FE, JavaScript, TypeScript, React; some web BE, ops, native, Node, Python... natural dynamics, forms, interaction, emergent physics, gesture, audio, feature-tracking...
Accepting enquiries
London, UK
On-site okay
IR35 preference
Outside IR35
Recruiter preference
No agencies
Tax status
Sole trader
Tax residency
United Kingdom
Offering: Developer, director, consultant; from concept to prototypes to production... R&D, experiments, prototypes... tech, physics, maths, art... real-time interactive graphics, web, apps, games, installations, WebGL, GLSL... AI, ML, computer-vision, graphics, data, Tensorflow, PyTorch... VR, AR, XR, WebXR... web FE, JavaScript, TypeScript, React; some web BE, ops, native, Node, Python... natural dynamics, forms, interaction, emergent physics, gesture, audio, feature-tracking...


Eoghan O'Keeffe [əʊən əʊˈkiːf] code ∩ creative ∩ art @ epok.tech

I make art and creative work through tech… adapt and learn across disciplines; evoke natural dynamics, forms, interaction; explore creative applications of emerging tech.


I'm interested in creative, conceptual challenges… experiment with tech, physics, maths, art; develop real-time interactive graphics, web, apps, games, AI, XR; explore new spaces, create striking experiences and utility.

- Real-time interactive graphics, art, games: WebGL, GLSL

- Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning: vision, graphics, data; Tensorflow, PyTorch

- Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, eXtended Reality: WebXR

- Web and app development: mostly Front-End, JavaScript, TypeScript, React; some Back-End, ops, native, Node, Python

- Natural dynamics, forms, interaction: emergent physics, gesture, audio, feature-tracking, Computer-Vision

- Research and development: tech, physics, maths, prototyping, algorithms, architecture

- Creating across contexts: online digital, app products, events, installations, exhibits

- Developer, director, consultant: leading and collaborating with creatives, designers, developers, clients; explore challenges, approaches, solutions; from concept to prototypes to production

- BSc 1:1 Entertainment Systems: interactive and game software development focus

I'm also into... exploration, travel, nomadism, challenges, other perspectives; art, drawing, exhibitions, discourse, learning, debate, reading; music, gigs, festivals, film, comedy, theatre; scuba, snowboard, parkour, football.


[Portfolio](https://epok.tech/) ~ [CV](https://www.notion.so/CV-2feccf5f5ad84936a6205df6dbd347d5) ~ [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/epok.tech/) ~ [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/@epok-tech) ~ [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/epok.tech) ~ [Twitter](https://twitter.com/epok_tech) ~ [GitHub](https://github.com/keeffeoghan) ~ [GitLab](https://gitlab.com/keeffeoghan) ~ [OpenSea](https://opensea.io/epok-tech) ~ [Olta](https://www.olta.art/profile.html?wallet=0x03c0ec09395d5ea4a1d508b890d45f175d7101a1)

[LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/epok-tech/) ~ [The Dots](https://the-dots.com/users/eoghan-o-keeffe-411162) ~ [Working / Not Working](https://workingnotworking.com/epok-tech) ~ [YunoJuno](https://uk.yunojuno.com/p/epok-tech) ~ [WellPaid](https://wellpaid.io/contractor/eoghan-o'keeffe-33b065b) ~ [RemoteOK](https://remoteok.com/@epok_tech) ~ [Hired](https://hired.com/x/3158170491cd086d1bb626c32343d440) ~ [email](mailto:epok.tech@gmail.com)

Examples of work
Max Cooper
Tendrils - interactive music visuals for "Trust" by Max Cooper
Entire visual development and creative

Interactive music visuals for Max Cooper's Emergence AV collaborations series, as featured on Experiments with Google; with a standalone version for live events and playing around.

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